How To Start A WordPress Blog In Just One Day

These days, everyone seems to have a blog. Not only is blogging a creative outlet, it can also be very lucrative if you mange it correctly. Although there are numerous blogging platforms available, many find that WordPress is the easiest and best platform for their blogging needs.

Blogging isn’t just for industry experts and authorities, it’s for everyone. And the great news is that WordPress makes it extremely easy for anyone to get started. Whether it’s for fun, profit or business, blogging with WordPress is here to stay!

So if you’re ready to finally make the jump into the blogging world, here’s how to start a WordPress blog in just one day!

Step 1: Choose a name

The first thing you’ll want to do even before you get started with WordPress is come up with a clever blog name. Think about your niche or what your blog will be on to come up with something catchy. You’ll want it to stand out from the rest and also be easy to remember. It’ll need to reflect what sort of content you provide readers in your blog, so make sure you think this through. Once you come up with a name, you’ll build your WordPress blog around it and will then be able to start marketing your blog to readers.

Once you come up with a name, you’ll have to check if it’s available in WordPress before you move on. If it’s available, you’ll have your blogs name and then at the end since it’s hosted on the platform. But if you’re serious about blogging, you’ll to buy your own domain name and then register it with a hosting company to host your blog (ie. Bluehost or GoDaddy are some hosting companies you might want to consider). 

Step 2: Select A Theme

If you haven’t noticed by now, blogs look different and this is because they all have different themes. A theme is what gives your WordPress blog style and form. You can either pay for your own theme or choose free ones to get started. But don’t worry you can always change it later. 

Step 3: Customize your WordPress theme

Once you’ve chosen a theme or installed a custom one, it’s time to set everything up so that your blog comes to life! This includes adding any photos, making pages, filling in your contact information, adding in your header and choosing your selected colors and fonts. You’ll do all the customization in the backend of WordPress using its difference sections like Appearance, Widgets, Header, Background and more. You don’t need to really know code to be able to do this, but it does help. 

Step 4: Write your first post

After you’ve finished customizing your theme to your liking, it’s time to publish your first post! Think hard and long about what you want to write since it’ll be your blog’s introduction to the world. To write your first post, you’ll want to go to the Post section in the backend of WordPress and then follow the prompts to write whatever you desire. Don’t forget to add pictures and other media to make it more engaging, as well as follow the best SEO practices to get it ranked by search engines. 

Step 5: Publish your first post

Once you’re done, it’s time to hit Publish! 

Congratulations, you’ve just entered the blogging world and now it’s time to market your WordPress blog to the masses. 

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